This article analyzes the relationship between wooden architecture and fire risk in the history of Valparaíso. It argues that the commercial and economic boom of the port-city favored construction with wood and simultaneously generated a flammable urban landscape that contributed to the development of a local notion of fire risk. Likewise, the research results showed that fire risk management required mitigation measures that were progressively but unequally installed in the city. These, in addition, resulted in new construction techniques developed by local dwellers and builders, that corresponded with the economic capacities of their owners and with the commercial dynamics of the city. Finally, the article explores the availability of wood in the city and demonstrates the links and fractures generated by building with an imported material.
Firebreak Walls, Fire Risk, History of Valparaíso, Urban Fires, Wooden Architecture.
Arango López, D. (2022). Fire Risk and Wooden Architecture in Valparaíso. 1838-1906. Revista Historia Y Patrimonio, 1(1), 1–22.