The “Chilean Norway”: landscape, fronterization and scientific controversy in the Ofqui isthmus (1900-1920)



This article seeks to examine the relationship between frontier landscape and science by analysing the narratives of landscape that emerged in the light of the Ofqui Isthmus canal project in Patagonia-Aysén. We propose that the encounters between experts such as sailors, engineers and political authorities, and the nature of Ofqui produced different imaginaries that characterised the dispute between supporters and opponents of the construction of the canal. We understand frontierisation from the perspective that sees it as a dynamic process of territorial appropriation, which produces certain types of frontier landscape, functional to the interests of the elites who drove the expansion of the Chilean state in the early 20th century. A series of articles and news items that appeared in the press at the time are analysed to describe the different images of nature that emerged from the controversy, and the ways in which they contributed to producing different conceptions of the Ofqui territory.


Landscape, Fronterisation, Patagonia-Aysen, Ofqui, Scientific Controversy

Author Biography

Jorge Mujica-Urzúa, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Jorge Mujica-Urzúa es Licenciado y Magíster en Historia, y Doctorando en Geografía por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Docente de la Escuela de Historia y Geografía de la Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins. Sus áreas de interés han sido, principalmente, la Historia de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, la Historia Medioambiental y la Geografía Histórica a partir de un enfoque que se aproxima a la intersección entre ciencia, cultura y naturaleza desde el giro praxiológico de los Estudios de Ciencia y Tecnología, y el enfoque más-que-humano de los nuevos materialismos y las ontologías relacionales.