Editorial and Publishing Policies

Review process by peer reviewers

The editorial team of Revista Historia y Patrimonio carries out the following process for the evaluation of scientific articles that apply for publication:

  • All manuscripts must be submitted through the OJS platform through the "Article Submission" option. Once received, it will be reviewed by the editors to verify its relevance within the topics of the Journal and that it complies with the formal requirements.

  • If the article meets the formal requirements, it will be sent to two reviewers, applying the double blind review system. Priority will be given to reviewers from institutions other than the Universidad de Chile.

  • The evaluations will be carried out considering content and formal criteria that can be consulted in the online evaluation guidelines.

  • The author will be informed of the results of the evaluation, indicating the approval of the article for publication, together with the corresponding observations and the period given to make corrections, if necessary. If the article is rejected, this will also be communicated in due time.

  • The complete evaluation process of a manuscript sent to Revista Historia y Patrimomio, takes between 4 and 24 weeks, from receipt to verdict.

  • In the event that the two evaluations differ in their recommendations for acceptance, the editorial team will request one or more additional evaluations until a definitive opinion is reached, notwithstanding the fact that the publication of any work is the exclusive and unappealable competence of the editorial team.

  • The author must send, within the period indicated in the evaluation report, the corrected version of their article.

  • Authors whose articles are not recommended for publication will be notified and informed of the reasons for this decision within a maximum period of 4 months.

  • Once an article has been approved for publication, it will be submitted for editing to comply with editorial standards (citation and reference style, editing of tables and figures, layout, etc.).

  • Since Revista Historia y Patrimonio publishes a limited number of articles per issue, all papers must meet high standards according to the following criteria:

        -   Good results of the peer review process (based on the nature of the observations and the quality of the corrections).

        -   Degree of connection with the subject matter of the journal.

        -   Originality of the subject of the article.
  • By sending contributions to Revista Historia y Patrimonio, it should be understood that the authors are aware of and subscribe to its copyright conditions.

  • The publication process of manuscripts sent and accepted by Revista Historia y Patrimonio, takes 50 weeks maximum, from receipt to publication.