The honeymoon in “Fortunata y Jacinta”: Fiction, heritage and landscape in Galdós



The pages of Fortunata y Jacinta contain a fiction that Galdós turned into one of the most transcendental novels of contemporary Spanish literature of the 19th century. Its importance has made it the subject of studies, addressed by various areas, which have implemented their contributions and interpretations in order to further deepen the knowledge and dissemination of this sublime literary work. With this in mind, it was decided to analyse the chapter entitled "Viaje de novios" (The honeymoon) from the perspective of history of art, subject that brings together studies on historical, artistic and cultural heritage with the aim of comparing the spaces, monuments, landscapes and references visited by the couple formed by Juan Santa Cruz and Jacinta Arnaiz during the beginning of their marriage. This study has been carried out by means of an analysis of the chapter, which has made it possible to highlight the influence of travel literature in its development; the maintenance and abandonment of formulas already tried and tested by Galdós when writing about travel, as well as the heterogeneity of the selected heritage references, through which it is possible to offer a reading of the author's consideration of the selected heritage.


Trip, Novel, Heritage, Landscape, Galdós

Author Biography

Mª Dolores Palazón Botella, Universidad de Murcia

Licenciada en Historia del Arte y Doctora por la Universidad de Murcia (España). Tras obtener una beca destinada a formar a profesorado universitario (FPU, 2007-2011) y desarrollar trabajos en el patrimonio industrial, está iniciándose en investigaciones focalizadas en el patrimonio cultural, así como en abordar la consideración del patrimonio cultural desde otras áreas, caso de la literatura. Actualmente es profesora titular en el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Murcia.